Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Mishing Donyi:Poem by Mg.Bhisma Doley

Toya:la Du:yé

Nom toya:la du:to bojerungko
Dut:oném du:toném
Lottak appundé mímbírka:bong
Kéra:pé Yí:lubkang nampon arré
Dé:tagsudung po:pír laoré
Kínniígéi la:tomang okolokké sardu:song
Nok asindé bo:bi-lo:lipé.

Silosin ngo to:yala dung nok légangé
Sarpad bilangku émna asin lottaso.
Nok légangé ngo yírkanammé amiké amiglo.
Su:pag éddíko toyala du:payédan?

Ngom sitoka émmílo sila:yé
Midpan sutok émmílo turrama:yé
Toyal dungko lambésok no gímanggom
Ngo toyatíla du:yé no gíyépé émna
Yummém-longém po:lolo dítaglo.

Mishing Renaissance appreciates the contribution by Mg.Bhisma Doley

Friday, October 30, 2009

Mishing Donyi:Mishing Poem by Mg.Abhijit Payeng

Émpag do:yingéméi kípé

Nom émpag do:yingéméi kípé.

Pe:ném mége:na

Abbugém kapina tísa:ton ---

Mé:po-ménganém mége:na

Kapina mé:sékton

Mimag bélamém.


Ngo-gom aipé mé:dungai

Ésang-édu, ayang-aboém

Émpige:na silo -------

Silo Tani:ém jinmo-ge:na

Ka:níngkan kapina -----

Nom lékoném

Émpag do:yingéméi kípé.

Kapina Tani:ge:na:sin

Tani:ém apkeníngka:n

Mé:po mé:tomém mége:na

Mimag mé:tom adníng ka:n !

Asiné rémagma:

Ílí:pé ika:n kapina -----

Ayang amikki kama:pé

Koyemo:na yirma:pé

Me:dírdu:n kapina ----

Ngo:sin mé:dungai

Okum rínggoko

Émpige:na silo ----

Silo kapina mé:sékton

Aték turgo:ém.

No lékoném

Ngok kera:so:pé ginangku

Ang tolígna

Émpag do:yingéméi kípé.

: Mishing Renaissance is thankful to Mg.Abhijit Payeng for the above contribution :

Monday, October 19, 2009

The Mising of Arunachal Pradesh

According to 2001 census,total population of the Mising stands at 13,591.This is a quite an important figure in a least populated state like Arunachal Pradesh where the total population is just around 12 lakhs. The Misings inhabits the districts of East Siang ,Lohit,Lower Dibang Valley and Tirap.

The Misings of Arunachal Pradesh too are maintaining their language,culture and all essential elements.It is significant to mentioned that they have keep intact their identity though Misings in Arunachal Pradesh are scattered in different places.

It may be recalled that the Misings of Arunachal had to struggle for a long period to get the recognition of Schedule Tribe in the state despite the fact that Misings were aboriginal inhabitants.Amidst opposition from various quarters,however,the years democratic struggle bored fruit through the efforts of few dedicated leaders in 2006.

This doesn’t mean that Misings has fulfilled every demand in Arunachal Pradesh.

Many Mising areas are far from parallel development like other counterparts of Arunachal Pradesh.We can conscientiously point that where ever the Misings are,they believe democratic struggle,thus abiding by the great ideal of the Constitution of the country.

The Misings of Arunachal Pradesh celebrate Ali-a:ye-lígang festival.The Ligang festival has got official recognition in the Gazette of Arunachal Pradesh.The government of Arunachal Pradesh has declared the date of 2nd February as official holiday .

In his article Mg.Oiboram Payeng,a noted leader of Misings in Arunachal,in the Takam Mising Porin Kebang(TMPK) central committee’s mouthpiece ‘Lí:sang’(2009) has aggrievedly mentioned that Misings of Arunachal Pradesh has been living like second class citizens in their own land origin.He has reiterated that due to lack of cohesion among the Misings of Assam counterpart,where majority of the nationality inhabits,the Misings of Arunachal Pradesh hasn’t able to exercised effectively their demands before the respective state government.Leaders like Oiboram Payeng and Majid Pao are restlessly working for all round development of Misings of Arunachal Pradesh.

Therefore, it is high time to ponder among the Mising social leaders of Assam to find a workable solution to such ailments.As far as Mising nationality is concerned,it is imperative to work in terms of ‘inclusive nationality ‘ to bring a more relevant and rational concept of the Mising irrespective of any political boundary.It will be great blunder for us if we forget our root which will dearly cost the future generation of the Mising nationality.

Mishing Renaissance is grateful to Mg.Bhaskar Pegu for the above article .Mishing Renaissance sincerely acknowledges that the above article is taken from Mg.Pegu's personal blog http://bhaskarpegu.in

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Mishing Donyi:Literary Supplement of Mishing Renaissance


Sé asinsé
Simadé madla, siyadé yadla
Binné a:né assé- asin mé:namsé

Ayang ollu:do rébadé katomang
Ayang appuné arré namtomang
Asin po:pírké laoré yokkang
Amigso pundung tangar appuné-ngok migsisé
Ma:tungai ma:yingko-mé:po okumko

Ayangki lo:dísém ruwadla du:néko
Ma:nyidé silo lo:yidpé ikang
Aya:dé oabolok oané do:nyémpé oala gíkang
Asinsé silo kémmo jí-jíngé
Ayang lambédo yumrang sangkang.

Mishing Renaissance is grateful to Mg.Jadav Chandra Pegu for contributing the above poem...........

Monday, September 7, 2009

Poba Reserved Forest needs National Park Tag

The Poba reserved forest is a significant rain forest located in outer Jonai in the adjoining East Siang district of Arunachal and Dhemaji district of Assam having various flora and fauna like wild buffaloes,forest pigs,pythons,deer, etc as well as forest resource.

The total land area of the reserved forest is about 10,000 hectares which is also connects through waterways to India's one the most important biosphere reserve-Dibru-Saikhowa National Park,well known for world's single habitat of wild horses. Poba RF is proximity to Dr D Ering National Park of AP.

It may be recalled that since the last few years various social and environmental organisations of Jonai has been demanding that Poba RF should be declared as National Park as soon as possible because of recurrent deforestation by unscrupulous persons and frequent killings of wild animals.During the Asam Sahitya Sabha session at Dhemaji,the Sabha also adopted a resolution that the Poba RF be declared as National Park whereas it pledged to moved the proposal to government of Assam.

The Poba reserved forest is also not far from corporate eye.During last June-July,2009,there were huge protests from the pople at Jonai against when Oil India Limited(OIL) moved for oli and gas exploration in the forest.OIL also conducted a public hearing at Murkong Selek Kristi Bhavan,Jonai on 16 June,2009.

There prevails a common sense of knowledge among Mising Tanis that Jonai is Mising's most populated as well as most secured place for the Tanis living in Assam.The real fact underlie here it is one of the emerging dangerous place for our nationality because the Lali river on the east of the town,flowing near the Poba RF has eroded large part of river banks at Jonai nowadays.

The significance of Poba RF lies here.The soil in the river banks of Lali has been loosing its resistance due to lesser green cover of late.Therefore,understanding its significance,we must thrive for National Park tag for the Poba RF.

Otherwise,who knows after Matmara,Majuli and Bonkowal (all land of the Misings) next may happen to Jonai?

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Ancient Mishing Nationality

Member of Mishing community had never become ruler of any sovereign state in the historical era. But they had strong administrator in the village level even in the ancient times. Each village was headed by a Gam. The Gam was virtually controlling all matters relating to social, judicial and general administration of the village. Members of the village council or Dohlung Kebang, a judicial body, were appointed by the Gam.

The post of Gam was dynastically inherited by the ruling class. But, not necessarily the eldest son of the rulers’ house should occupy the hot seat. The crown may go to his juniors if the elder fail to qualify for the post. The Gam should have an unwavering health with sound head and steady mind, enshrined with pleasing personality. He should know customary law and past chronicle of the society, its culture and tradition.

When the Mishing people migrated to the Miri Hills from Western China in the early first century B.C., reportedly some through Tibet and other from Upper Burma, the mountain country was nothing but a conglomeration of independent villages; i.e., each sect of the community occupied one village. Inter-village relationship was usually established through matrimonial alliances due to exogamous system. Miri Hills or the Miri country was a set of homogeneous administrative units having no common ruler for the land. Thus the concept of Ancient Mishing Nationality was merely concept narrowly confined within the village boundary. But it had far-reaching impact.

Mishing social system and self-sufficient economic organism had long sustaining outcome in the society. Agriculture has been the main source of economic sustenance through out the generation. At constrained situation, a family could call upon the village militia for helping in his farming activity, the arrangement is known as reegbo bonam. There was no specific name for their religion, but in all their devotional ceremonies the Mibu was accepted as the High Priest and under his guidance the holistic services were performed.

The systems were carried forward even when they moved down to the plains of Assam at the beginning of thirteenth century of the last millennium. Due to solid foundation of their social network, stable economic resources and unique religious practices, the Mishing people could uphold their characteristic entity, as a separate community within Indian nationality, even with the blizzard of political upheaval took place at different period of times. Their liberal approach of social stand had the kind of inclusiveness, protectiveness and progressiveness, which attracted more people of other races to the so called Ancient Mishing Nationality.

There are several evidences of coterminous races being fused their identity into the Mishing mainstream. The highland tribe viz., Aka, Dafla, Abor, Miri, Mishmi, Singphou and Khamtis who descended to the river basins of Assam from their respective hill countries at different point of times on different grounds settled down in the plains with Mishing identity. Akas of Akajan area, Aka Basti in Sonitpur district, Daflas of Daflakata borough, Khamtis of Gogamukh neighborhood and Abors of Pahdam village are a few of the living instances who adopted Ancient Mishing Nationality in the traceable past.

They joined into the Mishing mainstream with national pride and promptness; that gradually intonated their spoken dialect into Mishing accent and took the mainstream culture as their own. In the same alacrity Samugurias, Bonkuwals, Bihias merged to the Mishing fold in the unknown past with entire Mishing customs except however the language. Also, oral chronicles tells us that when the once powerful Nara kingdom precipitated crumbling on the close heel of Ahom adventure, the ethnic population of the kingdom identified themselves as the member of the Ancient Mishing Nationality.

Today urban citizen of the Mishing community, both young and old, remain indifferent to the great cultural wisdom of our past - albeit humble root but bright perspectives. Sadly, similar apathetic attitude is steadily surfacing in the rural areas too. The state of downsizing drift is highly deplorable. We should put our concerted efforts to reverse this decaying and disintegrating trend. Mishings are not the lost tribe of the ancient world, unworthy of regeneration. We are very much a community of vibrant culture with diverse roots, united in one name: Mishing.

Mishing Renaissance is greatful to Mr.Peter Pegu for the contribution of the above article.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Ali-Aye-Leegang Celebration in Mumbai

In early days the village community celebrated Ali-Aye-Leegang festival for over a period of almost five weeks beginning Falgun month, conveniently at different dates. In those times, the main function of Leekgod was religiously solemnized conveniently on a fixed day within the month, but they observed the entire period as festival season in celebratory mood, occasionally organizing gleeful programmes. Keeping this early tradition of the community in mind, the Mishing Society of Mumbai celebrated Ali-Aye-Leegang much belated in the city this year, differing its official date of the actual observance.

The members of Mishing community living in Mumbai and its suburbs gathered together in a posh resort named Zoia Resort, in Thakurwadi on the Old Mumbai-Pune Road to celebrate their most favorite festival of “Ali-Aye-Leegang” for two days on 7th and 8th March 2009. The resort allowed them enough space to accommodate the kind of celebration the Mishing people normally require for this function, which needs a wider area for performing the leeggod ritual over a ploughed and harrowed soil, also a broad even ground for free-style group dance synchronized by thunderous drum beats.

At the early hour of the day on 8th March, a small piece of land was accordingly prepared, at one side of the spacious campus of the resort, decorated with pihro leafs in its four corners. The soil was cleared and suitably tilled with the help of spade and mattock to administer the leekgod ceremony, where a handful of rice-grains were broadcasted by Peter Pegu, eldest member and chairman of the Society, with invocation of ahbangs and chanting leegang hymns.

Ghanshyam Pegu and Bijay Pait on the drums, Debajyoti Doley on cymbal had harmoniously modulated the sounds of drums to leegang beats and the all ladies and gents present on the gathering had joyfully broken into gumrag dance. The overwhelming crowd was later feasted with purang-apin and pagli-rahnam as the symbol of leegang fraternity being hosted with traditional recipe and community’s buffeting custom.

Besides performance of leegang rituals, the other attraction of the day was the idyllic organization of sports and extempore drawing competitions for the children and games for the women. Winners were presented with prizes. A general body meeting was held as a part of Ali-Aye-Leegang celebration where cultural shows were presented by the local artists. Ghanshyam Pegu, Manoj Kumar Doley, Debananda Narah, Anima Doley, Debajyoti Doley and Tapan Kouli spoke on the occasion. In the cultural functions, varieties of Mishing dances were presented by Anubha Pegu, Binita Doley, Baby Doley, Sapna Kouli, Sheila Doley and Nabanita Doley and also by the child artists Chynttia Doley, Bhavana Pegu, Pooja Kouli. The soulful oi-nihtoms were sung by Dharani Misong, Debananda Narah and Shri Pangging. Meeting ended with vote of thanks proposed by the General Secretary Mr. Migam Doley.

Pre-Leegang encounters on the evening of 7th March were more entertaining. Peter Pegu took more than a dozen children to an entertaining square in a specially arranged hall of the resort and delighted them in presence of their parents with skits, songs, games, quizzes and other fun and fair. After the children’s amusements programme, there were non-stop sequential drum beats where one can take his steps for free-style dance or join in the group rhythm with gumrag beat, without hesitations. The resort authority served the gathering with a sumptuous dinner and tasty drinks however with limited quantity.

To commemorate the occasion, a souvenir styled as “Asinang Onam” was also brought out. The salient features of the souvenir are its Kids’-Pages where twenty children contributed their budding talents into this section with creative art-works, poems and short stories. Amongst them, story by Nijora Doley, poems by Yein sisters, Mausoomi and Mayuri, drawings by Chynttia Doley, Aman Pait, Dhruvajyoti Kouli, and Bhavana Pegu are remarkable.

Mishing Renaissance is greatful to Mr.Peter Pegu for the contribution of the above article.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Donyi Polo Day [ 31st December ]

Dear All,

This is to inform that on 31st December of every year the Donyi Polo Day will be observed with befitting way at every shrine. The committe members should prepare for the celebration of Donyi Polo Day well ahead of time.

On the first half of the day, the normal prayer, spiritual; discourse & distribution of holy food shall be observed with reference to Donyi Polo.

After normal prayer at Donyi Polo shrine, some competition/leisure activities can be held outside the shrine. The competitions can be literary, quiz, sports, song & dance can be arranged.

In case of a function being organized the following programmes can be arranged:

  1. Arrival of the Chief Guest (should not necessarily be some political hot shot)
  2. Lighting of camphor by Chief Guest
  3. Welcome address
  4. Welcome song
  5. A short speech by Secretary of the committee
  6. A short speech by the Chief Guest
  7. Prize distribution ceremony
  8. Vote of thanks
  9. Disperse

Mishing Renaissance